Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Anyone else get disgusted when reading these hateful questions here?

I get pretty disgusted, yes. I question the intelligence of MANY people on this site, along with the intelligence of many of my fellow citizens. I'm a Democrat, primarily due to being Pro-Choice, Pro-Gay Rights, Pro-Environment and Pro-Education. I prefer that our government be there for it's people (all of them. Not just the rich ones.) and not just it's corporations. Still, I RESEARCH my candidates and the issues facing my country and my state (California, BTW). I do lean more left, certainly, but I can see some of the points on the right (for example, I am PRO-Gun rights). My biggest issue lately is people's amnesia! They HATE on Obama and the Democrats, blaming them for the current state of the economy in this nation, but did they forget where that started? Do the REALLY think putting right-wing Republicans BACK in office is going to make things better?! Or worse, the Tea-Bag crazies?! Yeah - they are going to make things better. I shudder...

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